I am a working mother of two with a fantastic husband who lives to make me happy. We reside in North Knoxville, TN in the Fountain City area. Fountain City is a historic place with traditional neighborhoods loaded with great old homes with character. We live above Fountain City in a great two-story w/a basement stucco home. My home is my identity. I think you can tour my home and really get who I am. I am extremely proud of my home and even more proud of the fact I have decorated it on a budget by diligently looking for things I love at thrift stores, yard sales and craigslist. It is a rare occassion for me to buy something full price retail. First of all, I LOVE a bargain. I live to search out the deal. Second, especially since becoming a mother, I believe in re-using and re-purposing anything that we can. That thing that you have grown tired of is going to be exactly what the next person is searching for. Don't throw it out! Have a yard sale in your neighborhood, take a load to Goodwill, put up a quick ad on Craigslist.
I'm also a do-it-yourselfer. My poor husband didn't know what he was in for when he met me. I'm convinced we could build a house now after everything we've tackled. Just in the house we are in now, we have put hardwood stair treads in, put in a new gas fireplace, made builtin bookcases, installed kitchen cabinets and countertops and, of course, done common things like putting in new light fixtures, ceiling fans, faucets, etc. And paint...I LOVE TO PAINT! Paint is the quickest, easiest way to make a room seem brand new.
The goals of my blog are to share my thrifty ways and encourage you to seek out and re-purpose things. I have an etsy shop where I sell all the beautiful things I find but cannot keep because I have no more room. You can also check out my Flickr link to see items I have upcycled to give them new life with paint. I also hope to share ideas with you when it comes to home-decorating. And to give advice on how to do things yourself around your own home.
Welcome to my blog home!
This is great Lisa and you have a beautiful home. I have a couple of things that I am wanting to "refinish" with a coat of paint but have been a bit afraid of how it will turn out but you have inspired me! One question...do you sand down the wood completely before you spray paint it or just rough up the surface?
ReplyDeleteThank you Kelly! You are my first post and first follower and I am so excited about that! :) Since you asked the questions about painting furniture, I will make that my next posting topic, so stay tuned.
ReplyDeleteI found you in the blogosphere! You will be a great blog resource with all of your craftiness!